2015-05-16 n.136 (866) – Will-o-wisps – I am trying to find a way how to make comic backgrounds simpler and nicer. *sigh* What a fight.

online fantasy comics
2015-05-16 n.136 (866) – Will-o-wisps – I am trying to find a way how to make comic backgrounds simpler and nicer. *sigh* What a fight.
2015-05-09 n.129 (859) – Sleep
2015-05-07 n.127 (857)
2015-05-06 n.126 (856) – Kir’ril – Oh. My. I thought that he would deserve a better portrait, but I didn’t expect this.
2015-05-05 n.125 (855) – Smile for the ladies – Have you heard about Faeron Khandarleii? Not yet? What a pity. He’s a famous adventurer. In fact he promotes his fathers weapons with his heroic acts.
…and he’s still single, ladies!
*Faeron shivers with terror*
2015-05-04 n.124 (854) – Hold the Cat – Want to sit for a portrait with a cat? Impossible!
2015-05-03 n.123 (853) – A Sword – This way od making rough sketch is brilliant. Used it with this picture and you wouldn’t guess that there was a printed layer beneath the pencil lines.
2015-05-02 n.122 (852) – A Ring – Look who got a present.
2015-04-30 n.120 (850) – Tulips – Just Elenwen and some flowers.
2015-04-29 n.119 (849) – Sennah – …and finally the last one of the trio.
2015-04-23 n.113 (843) – Black pencil – Stinohra revealed me the secret behind her astonishing pencil drawings! Muahahaha. So I wanted to buy that pencil too and try it. And I did. Okay, I thought I did. Actually I failed and bought a pencil from another brand. Nevermind: Muahahahaha.
(my patreon) (
2015-04-22 n.112 (842) – The Twins – Sorry no proper art today. Too tired. But these two will be in the new comic.
2015-04-20 n.110 (840) – Small Taranis – I was productive today. The pencil sketch style wouldn’t suit the story of my main comic, so I decided to make another script and to try the style on the new thing. So I finally wrote a script of a story featuring little Taranis, Sennah and Natali, that I had in my head for a year. But it was too naive and without a strong punch line. *sigh* So I decided to take the basic idea and write something else with the trio. Now I have a new script (the previous one would be 16 pages long, the new one… I didn’t dare to break it down to separate pages yet. It would be at least 24, maybe 30). It’s darker and I hope that it’s better. I will be designing the characters and the whole look in next week.
2015-04-18 n.108 (838) – A Dragon
2015-04-17 n.107 (837)
2015-04-15 n.105 (835) – The Deadly Glare – Sharess wanted to be drawn again.
2015-04-14 n.104 (834) – The Charmer – Arnay trying to make impression on ladies.
2015-04-12 n.102 (832)
2015-04-10 n.100 (830) – Iziam – For my one hundredth picture this year I decided to revive this old character. He ran away from his terrible noble family (his sister did the same few years ago). Unfortunately he was caught by dark elven slavers and spent few months in an underground city as a pet slave. He later managed to escape to the surface and got caught again in a forest and decided rather to attack his chasers and die than to be dragged back. He didn’t stand a chance againsted trained hunters, and was mortally wounded. Fortunatelly for him (at least compared to his situation at the moment) the forest where he was dying was a living one. It claimed his is body and blood in exchange for his life as its servant. Iziam agreed. The forest killed his attackers and took the boy to its depths. Since that time Iziam is living in the forest like a savage and tiny red and blue flowers grows from his blood.
2015-04-09 n.99 (829) – Shadow Dancer – This unfortunate lady was killed by her brother, who fell in love with her and forced her to make love with him. Her brother was a megalomaniac necromant, so he turned her dead body into a war golem who copies behaviour and personality of the master. Yup, they are on a high position of an emperial black list.
2015-04-08 n.98 (828) – A Spider
2015-04-07 n.97 (827) – A Messenger
2015-04-06 n.96 (826) – Older Iaron
2015-04-05 n.95 (825) – Not Amused
2015-04-04 n.94 (824) – A Knife
2015-04-31 n.91 (821) – What am I now? – another fanart for Ask a drider made by great Aiffe and Eima. One poor freaking out Ista.
2015-03-30 n.89 (819) – A water Spell
2015-03-29 n.88 (818) – My own ocean – Staying on mainland, Sall has to recharge the ocean energy from imported gems.
2015-03-28 n.87 (817) – Sall – My new character, what a darling. I don’t know why everything about his appearance has to scream “a water mage”. Especially when he is hiding in the mainland from port killers.
2015-03-27 n.86 (816) – Cup of coffee – I wanted to draw Kata lecturing students about importance of morning cup of coffee, but she came out looking like someone else. Nevermind.
2015-03-26 n.85 (815) – Amaal – Oh Amaal, you beautiful selfish thing.
2015-03-25 n.84 (814) – The Toymaker – My Ireen is a dancer, an actor and a toymaker. I finally had time to finished this one.
2015-03-24 n.83 (813) – Newspapers – Well, I like drawing my characters doing normal daily stuff.
2015-03-23 n.82 (812) – Kir’ril – I haven’t drawn this cute fanatic of Ilidia for some time.
2015-03-22 n.81 (810) – Sall Faech – young half-elven water mage. He had to leave The South kingdom after his father was murdered and Sall faced the same threats. Having moved to Laweren, he misses the sea and his sailor lover who refused to leave with him.
2015-03-20 n.79 (809) – A cat helps – Everything is better with a cat. Dalmayr doesn’t agree? Shame on him. The cat is trying to help!
2015-03-19 n.78 (808) – Sharess wants to say something to Mortifer after the last comic page… Didn’t I mention that Tarnens see half-breeds as abominations? Well, now you know…
2015-03-18 n.77 (807) – Morti – and a portrait practice again
2015-03-16 n.75 (805) – Journey – Another attemp to practice landscapes, this time with Mortifer.
2015-03-14 n.73 (803) – A Hero – I was thinking why I didn’t have much STRONG female heroes. Well that may be because I don’t want to create a Mary Sue. So I made one. She’s strong, she’s allways good looking and she kicks asses. Still have no idea about her name and character, but whatever, she’s beautiful.
2015-03-13 n.72 (802) – Sennah – I tried to draw Sennah in a more realistic style. Still testing
Clip studio. It’s pretty awsome! And they still have a 70% off sale for next two days if you want to try it too.