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Quotation and more OC doodles!

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I need to make a new blog post. The last one about my sickness was too apocalyptic. I’m not completely ok now, but I managed to finish a quotation for the third chapter and a quacking which will be published tomorrow. (On regular Monday.)

I really like this page. If you compare it with the previous quotations, you can see my improvement. Yay! It seems great.

This month I am still working on that challenge – OC october. (You have to draw every day one original character you made.) I decided to rather draw character I have played in many RP campaigns – those I played too many times or those I haven’t drawn yet. My other original characters already have  enough space in my comics.

Well, the last week I finished these:
iaron richard arthaj upirka faerlin crispin drow
Six more to draw! Phew.