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Page 62 and 63… and more drows!

Page 62 and 63… and more drows! published on No Comments on Page 62 and 63… and more drows!

Since the last blog post, these two pages have been published:
page_62 page_63

And I have one more prepared for the next monday. There will be no Alltarnen strip this week again. Sorry, too little time and too low mood for making jokes.

But (!!!) I am still making drows for that wonderful challenge called Drowcember. Serisously, if you like dark elves, look at it. It is a pleasure.
So here are the drows I have drawn since the last blog post:

drow12_14 drow15 drow16 drow17 drow18 drow19bc drow20b drow_21 drow_22 drow_23 drow_26 drow_27 drow_28 drow_29

There are still two more to draw, the end of the month is getting near!