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Hello my dear readers,

I am sorry that I haven’t been active much during the last month. It is finally changing for better, so I am getting back to drawing. What happened? I had to finish some courses at university and I’ve had too much work at my part-time job, I am teaching English in the meantime and I am preparing to start another part-time job soon. To top it all, I have to deal with some health problems. Too much stuff is happening at the same time.

But I want to finish another comic page during the next weekend. In case I am not able to finish it, I will show some previews.

Thank you for reading and your patience!

Please enjoy some recent pictures:

sennah sall Morti dalmayr Sharess tumblr_o9j3qbe5KH1s20lnfo1_1280 chibi elves elfovesharess_maly