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New title and new site

New title and new site published on No Comments on New title and new site

Finally. I can say that the site migration is done. There is still some work left (re-uploading some images to the gallery, creating new banners, etc.), but the main content was moved to

It was an exhausting move, but – since I am used to work with websites – it didn’t take so much time. If you find a mistake or any error, please comment in the guestbook! I will repair it instantly.

I made a nice new logo for the comic and the new site, which you will see probably everywhere from now 😀

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Once again – what is new?

  • New name of the comic – Aeltarnen – it is nice, short and unique. Please feel free to use tag #aeltarnen when you sent anything connected with the comic.
  • New home site – – don´t forget to track our new RSS
  • New blog – I connected this site with my daily doodles tumblr, so expect new pictures almost every day! And more photos and blogs about comic making and illustration.

How can you help?

You can support me on Patreon! I would be very grateful and it would help me to invest more time in the comic making!