I so rarely paint with colors these days, so I wanted to try something different. And Procreate is really good at simulating traditional techniques.
online fantasy comics
I so rarely paint with colors these days, so I wanted to try something different. And Procreate is really good at simulating traditional techniques.
I wanted to try crazy hair elf and slay my nemesis – a very thin line art.
My new years resolution is to be more active on social media (and this site of course), which shouldn’t be a problem at all… based on my long lasting silence XD.
So here is one Morti for you which I made as a morning exercise today.
Poor Khar (my mostly elf, partly fire) has never never been an enthusiast of cold.
Surprisingly he’s also never been a friend of really sweet beverages so hot cocoa may not save him! Grog though? Bring it in!
I was finally able to finish something. A friendly fellow, isn’t he?
2015-01-24 n.24 (755)The wife of the blue bird
2014-10-11 n.285 (651)
The ghostly lover comes to let the pain
remind you of your mistress’s life ended in vain.
Having fallen in love with a human woman, Denzealiss tried to give her an eternal life through giving her half of his elven ageless soul. Unfortunatelly, she died and stayed attached to his soul, invisible for everyone else. Ever since that she begged him to commit suicide to let them both go to the other world. Didn´t he promise her that he will stay with her in life and death?